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Upcoming Workshops

Group Facilitation: The Power of Circles  - FULL -
to Jan 31

Group Facilitation: The Power of Circles - FULL -

THIS WORKSHOP IS FULL — The healing effect of group is widely accepted in the fields of substance abuse, mental and behavioral health. Most healthcare organizations seek to take advantage of group dynamics to access and encourage the human potential to grow, heal and change. While the content and focus of groups varies across settings, many of the powerful processes of group work are universal.

This 2-day workshop is designed for beginner and experienced group facilitators to step back and take a broader view of group functioning, as well as lean in and explore the challenges within their practice. We will examine and demonstrate evolution, neurobiology, purpose, process, content and dynamics as they play out in a group setting. Participants will share ideas on best practices, identify their strengths and areas for improvement, and reinvigorate passion for group. More INFO and REGISTER

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From Suffering to Thriving: Walking the ACT Way with Joel Guarna and Teresa Valliere
to Jan 12

From Suffering to Thriving: Walking the ACT Way with Joel Guarna and Teresa Valliere

Our clients get stuck in their thoughts, feelings, behavioral patterns, and personal narratives. And we, as helpers, get stuck in our own. These corresponding forms of rigidity are both a primary cause for clients’ suffering and a driver of helplessness, frustration, and burnout in helpers. ACT provides a coherent and powerful set of strategies for moving both clients and helpers toward greater psychological flexibility and fulfillment—from suffering to thriving. MORE INFO and REGISTER

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Ethics for Clinical Supervisors
1:30 PM13:30

Ethics for Clinical Supervisors

  • Odd Fellows Hall (2nd floor banquet hall) (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Ethical discussions by definition are difficult conversations.  They often involve different and competing values, goals, understandings and priorities.  Frequently there are strong feelings and identity issues at stake.  When ethical issues arise, the supervisor has an opportunity to move the difficult conversation into a learning conversation by using a structured approach.  Through the introduction and regular use of Reamer’s model for ethical decision-making, supervisors and clinicians will strengthen skills for identifying and discussing ethical issues on a regular basis. When issues are examined in a methodical way, responsibilities and options become clearer, and next steps are developed and implemented.  And while many gifted and ethical clinicians may not agree on the next step in any given situation, having a shared model to approach the conversation is crucial.  More INFO and REGISTER

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Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
to Nov 4

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Clients get stuck; helpers get stuck with them. They get stuck in their feelings, thoughts, stories and repetitive behavioral patterns, called psychological rigidity. Persistent psychological rigidity can be seen as the core of most mental disorders. Help your clients get unstuck by learning skills of psychological flexibility. Watch your clients get out of their heads and move toward living well regardless of the diagnosis.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) views clients as stuck rather than sick and occasional psychological rigidity and experiential avoidance as a part of the human condition. ACT is an accepted evidenced based practice helping clients with a wide range of emotional, psychological and behavioral difficulties. It combines the wisdom and effectiveness of motivational interviewing, mindfulness practices and behavioral activation. More INFO and REGISTER

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Fundamentals of Clinical Supervision: Many Hats, One Spirit
to Aug 5

Fundamentals of Clinical Supervision: Many Hats, One Spirit

A clinical supervisor needs dynamic skills to move between performance domains in mental health, substance abuse and integrated behavioral health settings. Clinicians considering supervisory role, or those already in the role, will benefit from the opportunity to step back and learn about the theories and practices that establish strong and productive clinical supervision. This 28-hour course will address the perspective and skills needed to take on the supervisory role, including 5 or 6 hours of each of the following foci: skills assessment and evaluation of counselor and supervisor; counselor development; management, administration and leadership; professional responsibility (ethics); and self and team care. THIS WORKSHOP IS CLOSED/FULL

Resource access is limited to participants for the length of the course.

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