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Supporting Individuals, Professionals, and Organizations

About Teresa Valliere

I am a licensed clinical social worker, addiction specialist and clinical supervisor.  Following my personal interest in healing and wellness, I began pursuing a second career in 1990. I obtained a Bachelor of Social Work, with minor in religion and special focus on psychology at North Carolina State, and went on to complete a Master in Social Work from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill specializing in adult mental health. Since 1997, I’ve worked with adults with mental illness and addiction in a variety of settings - inpatient and outpatient. Along the way I pursued additional training in trauma treatment, relational therapy, domestic violence, anger management, chronic pain management, loss and grief, mindfulness based stress reduction, supervision and spirituality.    

I believe wellness comes from living in alignment with your body, mind, spirit and community. As a supervisor since 2000, I’ve been exploring and using models of relational management and navigating difficult conversations to enrich and strengthen working environments of professional helpers. In addition to providing direct service and supervision, I am an experienced trainer in addictions, mental health, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Motivational Interviewing, and clinical supervision. A full curriculum vitae is available upon request.   Please see link on psychology today for more information.